Even though PDF is one of the most widely spread document formats, there are situations when you need to convert a PDF file into Microsoft Word or some other graphic or text formats. In those cases you can resort to a software tool such as Okdo PDF to Word TXT TIF JPG Converter. This tool converts your PDF files into Microsoft Word and other formats with a high level of quality.
The program allows you to configure nearly all the parameters related to each supported output format. In addition, it supports batch conversion, so that you can convert many PDF files into other formats at once. The program allows you to add all the files you want to convert in order to form a conversion list. You can add individual files or even complete folders, which saves you additional time. Once your list is ready, you can choose your desired output format from a list among Word 97-2003, Word 2007, Text, JPG, JPEG, and TIFF. You may also tell the program to save the converted files in the source directory or specify a different output folder.
Besides that, you can click on the "Set more parameters" button to configure some format-specific parameters. Depending on the output format you choose, these configurable parameters will vary. For example, you can customize the page size and the margins of Word documents, while you can specify the image quality for JPEG files. Moreover, you can include customized watermarks for the graphic formats (JPG, JPEG, and TIFF). These may include text and an image, and you can fully personalize their location and their transparency and zoom levels. more